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  • Know Your Options Under The New 482 Visa Program

Know Your Options Under The New 482 Visa Program

The new 482 Visa (Temporary Skill Shortage Visa) has replaced 457 Visa program as of the 18th March 2018.

The 482 TSS Visa program has 3 streams: Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Labour Agreement Stream.


Short-Term Stream

  • Applies if your occupation is on the ‘Short-Term Skilled Occupation List
  • You can be employed for a maximum of 2 years
  • The Short-Term visa can be renewed only once (new application fees apply)
  • The Immigration visa application fee for occupations on this list is $1,150


Medium-Term Stream

  • Applies if your occupation is on the ‘Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List
  • You can be employed for up to 4 years (renewable onshore and with a permanent residence pathway after 3 years)
  • This stream requires a higher level of English proficiency. An overall score of at least 5 on the IELTS test, and also a minimum of 5 in each component of the IELTS.
  • The Immigration visa application fee for occupations on this list is $2,400


Labour Agreement Stream

  • Applies if there is a need not met by the Australian labour market or standard visa programs
  • Skilled overseas workers can be employed under a labour agreement with the Commonwealth government.


Employers who held sponsorship approvals prior to 18th March can still sponsor employees under the 482 TSS visa program. Primary applicants for the 482 Visa must have at least 2 years relevant work experience in the nominated occupation or a related field (in addition to ANZSCO requirements). This work experience must have been in the last 5 years and meet specific immigration definitions.

Applicants may work only in the occupation for which the 482 Visa was issued. To work in a new occupation, the 482 Visa holder must obtain a new nomination from the sponsoring employer and must apply for a new visa.

Health requirements are stricter for the new program. Applicants need to show that they will not impose an undue burden on the Australian health system. Employers can no longer commit to covering the health costs of applicants who do not meet the requirements.

Dependent children must be under 23 to be added and remain as dependants on the 482 Visa.

For character requirements and criminal history, applicants are required to provide police clearance certificates both from Australia and from other countries where they have lived. The new process has introduced an exception for applicants sponsored by “accredited sponsors”, whereby a specified character reference from the sponsor may be evidenced in place of the applicant’s overseas police clearances.

Labour Market Testing requires sponsors to provide evidence of their efforts to find suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizens or permanent residents to fill the position. This will now be required for all occupations regardless of skill level. The Labour Market Testing must be completed within 6 months prior to the lodgement of an application. Specific rules apply as to how these advertisements appear.


Call us today to speak to a registered migration agent about your best options.

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